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Eksperimen #30hari dari QMFinancial

Just check my inbox, there was a newsletter from QMFinancial. There is a buzz from @mrshananto to take part in the "Experiment # 30 days Monthly Spending Record".

Hoohoo ... direct passion to download the file are come to me. In that file, they are setting up the formula, so the user just insert the spending value in 30 days at the specified column.

It felt like crying... when I saw the composition of expenditure is not balanced. But I'm still in the spirit and hoping for the next day my column is "zero" or not spend money at all on that day. It is impossible according to me: P

Everybody can join too!!

2011: A Bit Resolution

Been so long that I didn't update this blog. After the busyness that is not obvious, this is a good time to make a resolution :D xiixii..

One of them is starting to fill again this blog .. I promise: P